
Daily life in camp

These initially resembled teepees for Union soldiers and were comparable to tents pioneers used to explore the West. They later recognized that these tents were too heavy and constructed smaller tents that were easier to carry and shared by a few guys.


Because of the assistance of Union Sanitary, the American Red Cross, and Christian Commissions, Union soldiers were less afflicted by sickness. These groups sought to both assist sick soldiers and prevent disease transmission by improving availability to clean water and assisting with sanitation surrounding camps.

food and water

Soldiers in the North received better rations than soldiers in the South. Union soldiers were initially given a pound of hardtack, three-quarters of a pound of salted meat or one and a quarter pounds of fresh meat, salt, sugar, and coffee. Union soldiers were given dried vegetables to boil in water as the conflict advanced and men developed scurvy due to a shortage of vitamins.

"Life of a Soldier During the U.S. Civil War: Confederate & Union." Study.com, 26 August 2017, study.com/academy/lesson/life-of-a-soldier-during-the-us-civil-war-confederate-union.html